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Lessons learned writing a deep learning library from scratch in C++

microtensor is a from-scratch C++ implementation of the functionality of the Neural Networks: Zero to Hero series by Andrej Karpathy. This is an educational codebase, not a serious-use library. It started with the idea of implementing the micrograd library in C++, and I suppose I just didn’t have the sense to stop. I implemented the following lessons which implement equivalent functionality from the corresponding video in the Zero to Hero series.

Features and discoveries

I decided to have no dependencies other than the standard template library. I linked in one Intel MKL parallel matrix multiplication call I was toying with for efficiency, which did actually speed things up a bit. Other than that, everything was implemented from scratch.

As I went along, I discovered this ended up in some ways a reimplementation of the CPU backend of the pytorch ATEN library with added back propagation, since I was mostly trying to follow pytorch/numpy API. But I didn’t look at the ATEN implementation to write this.

It utilizes C++ lambdas for backprop similar to the pattern Andrej uses in the micrograd library. It seems elegant to capture what’s needed for backprop in the C++ lambda capture, though I needed to make sure to use std::weak_ptr to avoid reference cycles.

Broadcasts of addition and multiplication are supported. It was fun to figure out that a broadcast can work as intended just by thinking of the broadcasted dimensions as having a stride of zero, which will end up reusing and accumulating data as desired.

I learned that iterating an n-dimensional tensor (especially one with arbitrary strides that is not assumed to be contiguous) is mind-bending. You clearly can’t have N nested loops in your code since you don’t know what N is in general. My iteration code ended up having roughly the following pattern:

for i from 0 to num_elements (product of shape vector):
   construct the n-dimensional index for element i (a for loop with n iterations)
   convert the n-dimensional index to a linear index based on strides
   after getting the linear index for each relevant input/output tensor, you can do what you need to do

It’s not as fast as pytorch (even just using pytorch CPU), but to get even within an order of magnitude with a fairly minimal library was I think a success. I was able to replicate training the models shown in the videos fairly accurately.

I made both an Array class (which is an N-dimensional array/tensor) and a Tensor class (which supports autograd) which had two Arrays: data and grad. I like knowing when I’m working at a gradient-computing level (Tensor) and a basic operations level (Array) but it did mean that I needed to replicate the class API, operators, and other functions for both Tensor and Array. Not much code other than the function signatures is duplicated, but it still seems to be more code/API than necessary.

I played with using Intel MKL for optimizing matrix multiplication, I think on my modest matrices in the tutorials it had maybe a 30% speedup. Not earth shattering but I’m glad it at least had some effect. I may experiment with some CUDA backend stuff at some point.

It makes very heavy use of std::shared_ptr, which let me focus on logic and not worry much about memory leaks.

There is a bit of testing with Google Test.

By implementing a hand-rolled cross entropy as described in lesson 5, I got a 20x speedup on the forward pass and a 100x speedup on the backward pass, which was very satisfying. Math FTW!

Assuming contiguous data storage simplifies things. Some code paths now make that assumption, for example batch normalization and cross entropy optimized code. Maybe I’ll go back and make paths for non-contiguous storage.

Future ideas

I don’t really like the whole no_grad thing. Since I have a separate Array and Tensor type, you should just be able to work with the Array type directly when you aren’t wanting to do backpropagation.

I’d like to try to add CUDA support for some of the operations and see what efficiency gains I see.